Yesterday I received a rather touching message from Denis, a new "submissive" whom I had met a few hours earlier. I thought it would be useful to share this with visitors to my site, as the question raised is a fairly recurrent one. So if I'm going to speak out on the subject, I might as well take a concrete case.
Here is Denis' initial message. I recognize that this is not the first person to express this fear of being "scorned" to me.

Hello Mistress Jasmine, First of all a thousand thanks for giving me a chance to meet you despite the bunny that I asked you a month ago. Even if it was really beyond my control, nothing justifies not having warned you before. The fine was therefore justified and I am happy to have submitted to it !!!! But that was not the main subject of my email. I wanted to congratulate you for the mastery of your art, for your severity (agreed together) during our games, but above all for the great humanity you have shown with me outside of them. Indeed, although I had nothing negative to say about your site (on the contrary), after reading it and having had you on the phone, I was afraid to come across something very professional, but too violent, little human and not very "spontaneous". In addition (I beg you, do not blame me for that) but I was afraid to come to see you because not being at all subjected in my public, private or sexual life, I was very afraid that you leave the part of the "game", and that you really take me for a "shit" because of my fetishes. But I quickly understood that you were a healthy and "normal" person, that you do indeed like to observe strong submissiveness in men, but that in reality it is for you nothing more than a game between adults. consenting in mutual respect. Obviously not when you called me "under-shit" during the game, but as soon as you sent me in the shower, you came to bring me a clean towel with a nice and kind smile saying something like: "So we had a good time, didn't we? Go finish your shower, dry yourself off and come and have a coffee you deserve it". Well believe me, it did me a lot of good! Really thank you for these words and for the little conversation that we had afterwards 🙂 As for the content of the session, I have only one thing to ask you: I beg you not to change ANYTHING in two weeks. I have no doubts about your imagination but really, at least next time, I would like to experience the exact same thing, and if possible, in the same order. I never imagined by filling out this form that I would be understood at this point. Me who thought I was unique ... I am really happy to have found you and don't worry, I will be "submissive" from the first second, I will wait for you to give the end clap to ask you the 2-3 questions which intrigue me 🙂 See you soon Divine Mistress!
And that's my answer. Generally speaking, everything is done respectfully as long as everyone stays in their place, but things are different with certain "real" submissives who do exist.

Hello Denis. You are partially right. Indeed I like to play with the "false" submissives because their lewdness amuses me a lot. I just need them to play along but of course everything is done with total respect. I also meet a lot of real submissives who like permanent humiliations, and those, I do not really respect them in the sense that you understand it because on the one hand I take them for what they are and above all I like bcp cà 😉 My sadistic side, no doubt. Well received your request. See you soon.