Investigation of BDSM practices and motivations

Welcome to my survey form dedicated to your BDSM practices and motivations. If you have the idea of developing a BDSM relationship with Divine Jasmine, real or virtual, punctual or followed, I invite you to fill in carefully and truly this form. It saves us long and laborious "technical" discussions about your desires and taboos, and allows us to focus immediately on YOUR personal situation. If you have any doubts about certain answers (fears, etc....), don't hesitate to leave me a comment at the end of the form. I'll get back to you.

Important note As a reminder, the vast majority of my submissives don't do anything extreme (scato, emeto,...) so don't imagine that I expect you to accept them! I just want you to be sincere and docile. The practices themselves are very secondary to me. What interests me is control.

press Enter


This form contains approximately 160 questions. This is the price to pay to have a precise idea of your expectations and your limits. Many questions relate to very hard, even extreme practices. Unless I forget, these are all pre-checked "taboo" for the reason mentioned above. So don't worry: you won't be used as a toilet if it wasn't perfectly understood beforehand :)

For your guidance "DJ" = Divine Jasmine.

Remarque : Si tu n'as pas le temps de tout saisir en une fois, tout en bas du formulaire, tu trouveras une option pour le sauvegarder (pendant 30 jours). Un lien te sera donné pour le rappeler dans son état d'avancement. Une option te permettra de t'envoyer ce lien à l'adresse email de ton choix.

Contact information

These data will not be communicated to anyone but they are essential for me to identify you on my various terminals.
Enter your first name or your nickname
Selected value: 18
Use the cursor to select your age
Enter the email address you are communicating with me with. I can write to you at this address.
On mobile, if you can't enter this field, use a "double-tap in the input field to bring up the keyboard.
Saisis un numéro de tel mobile. Je ne t'appellerai/texterai que si tu m'y autorises explicitement ci-dessous.
A written or oral exchange on this issue is MANDATORY pour toute rencontre. Donc si tu n'es pas prêt à avoir au moins un échange mobile audio ou texte avec moi (sans masquer le numéro), il est inutile de remplir ce formulaire car nous ne nous rencontrerons pas.
On mobile, if you can't enter this field, use a "double-tap in the input field to bring up the keyboard.
En règle générale, je ne t'appellerai jamais, même si tu m'y autorises, hormis si tu es en retard à notre rendez-vous. Cela peut changer si nous avons une relation suivie.
Je préfère les échanges textuels au vocal. Donc si tu veux me rencontrer et réponds "jamais", il faudra m'envoyer un message texte en précisant le protocole pour te répondre car je ne pourrai pas toujours le faire immédiatement.

Preliminary questions (these questions can greatly reduce the total number of items)

Reply Yes signifie de fait que tu acceptes qu'un photographe de sexe masculin soit présent. Il restera silencieux et sera lui aussi masqué pendant toute la séance.
Warning : Répondre Yes ne signifie pas du tout que notre séance sera filmée mais simplement que tu es ouvert à la chose. La concrétisation ne se fera qu'après des échanges explicites préalables sur le sujet.
Please note, this question is very important, it will allow me to know to what extent I can include you in my sessions with several submissives. In addition, measure the consequences of your declaration here: accepting a practice of your goddess is one thing, but accepting it from another implies that you are looking for total servility ...
Note that in 99% cases, it will be in a restricted circle.
This question sums up the different types of submissives who like "dirty" debasement. Checking the 3rd box will not limit future questions on this point. Any other answer will severely limit them.

Questions about your BDSM practices

Describe your level of appetite for each practice below.

ATTENTION : Requis signifie que tu me demandes explicitement d'avoir recours à cette pratique. Utilise donc "requis" avec parcimonie car s'il y en a plus de 4, ils seront ignorés sauf pour une session extrêmement longue.

- Sexual practices

Tell me more about the following practices
N'oublie jamais que cette pratique n'est jamais garantie, même si tu la souhaites. Il faut d'une part que ton hygiène soit parfaite, et d'autre part que le feeling soit là. Si ces conditions sont réunies, je l'accepte avec plaisir.
Avec mes doigts, un gode,...
Avec mes doigts, un gode, un écarteur,...
L'idée est d'insérer ma main, voire mon avant bras dans ton rectum.
Je dispose de différents calibres, en fonction de tes capacités.
Je dispose de différents calibres, en fonction de tes capacités.
Je dispose de différents calibres, en fonction de tes capacités.
Les caresser, les embrasser, les renifler, les lécher,... Bien entendu, toujours à mon initiative, si tu es sain de corps et si le feeling est là.
Le caresser, l'embrasser, le renifler, le lécher,... Bien entendu, toujours à mon initiative, si tu es sain de corps et si le feeling est là.
Le caresser, l'embrasser, le renifler, le lécher,... Bien entendu, toujours à mon initiative, si tu es sain de corps et si le feeling est là.

- Practices related to physical constraint

Tell me more about the following practices
Pour le plaisir d'être à ma merci sans ambiguïté.
Avec une fermeture éclair solide devant et derrière pour te torturer ou t'humilier.
Tout est possible avec des cordes si on se laisse le temps.
Plus rapide que les cordes. Plus violent psychologiquement aussi.
Pour un aperçu de la sensation de cette contrainte physique.
Pour une immersion totale.
Rien de mieux que ce genre de matériel pour te torturer sans que tu puisses te protéger.
Adapté à divers scénarios où l'humiliation est à l'honneur.
Pour t'humilier et/ou te traiter comme un chien.
Certains soumis passent plusieurs jours enfermés, avec des "pauses" pour subir mes lubies.
Histoire de contrôler ton plaisir.

- Other practices related to domination / submission

Tell me more about the following practices
Interdit de jouir ou même bander pendant la session.
Tu arrives encagé, tu repars encagé et je garde la clé.
Interdiction formelle de jouir pendant la session.
Quoi de plus frustrant de monter et complètement rater la jouissance.
Chez moi, chez toi, ou chez un(e) ami(e).
For example you are on my exercise bike, I force you to ride at a given power, if you go below I punish you severely.
Do you like to be humiliated? belittled? laughed at?
Will you overcome boredom and fatigue just to show me your docility?
I have enough to transform you completely
You shut up, that's it!
On all fours, with your head in a trash can, for example ...
Receive my ashes and butts where I decide.
Will you be my last statuette bought during a trip?
table, chair, coat rack, shoe rack, dirty laundry bin, stepladder ... the list is endless.
We order sushi, but you eat it at my feet like a dog.
Mes pieds seront juste lavés à ton arrivée, ou tu les laveras toi-même.
I'm eco-responsible: Why waste water when your tongue can clean it?
Forcing you to take long sniffs of my intimate scents: smelly feet, armpits, anus, shoes, panties...
I walk barefoot on your body and / or your face. It is delicious and moderately painful.
I walk on you unceremoniously, barefoot or in shoes, including high, thin heels. You will have marks every few days, and above all you will be in great pain.

- What are you worth as a stooge?

Be careful what you write below. I would be really quick with the fantasies. If you're not sure, don't.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition. I alone decide if there is a reward.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition. I alone decide if there is a reward.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition. I alone decide if there is a reward.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition. I alone decide if there is a reward.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition. I alone decide if there is a reward.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition apart from the budget. I alone decide if there is a reward.
Put taboo if there is the slightest condition apart from the budget. I alone decide if there is a reward. Please note: YOU must call the restaurant, and collect the order, not a platform.

- We now turn to SM practices.

I must understand if and to what extent you are masochistic.

- Let's see first what I'm torturing you with:

Whip, fists, feet, cigarette ... Do you have any expectations and taboos in this area?
I don't like to be tough in this area. Safety above all. I stay on the surface layers.

- How intensely I torture you?

Are you expecting real or symbolic suffering? What about brands?
For brains who want discretion. Above all fun and symbolic. You won't have much pain or any marks.
For the masos. You will certainly be in pain, and you will leave with memories of several days on your body.
For the most seasoned very masochists. You will experience an ordeal, and you will leave with lasting memories on your body.

- Where in the body do I torture?

The face, the back, the hair ....
Nothing like good slaps, or more to put you in your place
Does CBT tell you something? I love !
As-tu déjà pris du wasabi ici ? Ou subi le figging avec du gingembre? A déconseiller aux petites natures.

- C & #039; is soon over, now let's talk about your tastes related to "sensation play"

The concept is very broad but the idea is to temporarily deprive yourself of some or all of the senses

- Penultimate step: inform me about your preferences for role-playing games

Be careful, whatever the theme, it will be in a context of domination
I'm your perverse abusive mother, or your sadistic nanny
I have a limited time to make you confess a secret
Mistress Jasmine is giving you a demonic dictation. Beware of mistakes!
You are sick. To make matters worse, you stumble upon Dr Jasmine.
I realize at the beginning of the interview that you are at the bottom of the hole. I take this opportunity to crush and humiliate you.
I identified you as a weakling. You need this job. I'll make you pay for it.
You are madly in love with me. I take advantage of it in the most unfair and perverse ways.
I am your prison guard. My only amusement is to destroy all will in you.
I play on your fears. You know I won't set you free even if the ransom is paid ...
You are my cute little puppy, or my scapegoat
I force you to behave like the pig that you are. You are dehumanized.
I will never actively involve someone who I don't know well enough to make sure they are as healthy as I am.
I will never actively involve someone who I don't know well enough to make sure they are as healthy as I am.

- And finally, give me your appetite for body modifications, on you

Finally, a point on your research and your usefulness / servility

Pay special attention to what you say in this block. This is the favorite theme of mythomaniacs, which I hate the most. Be honest. It will be very easy for me to confuse liars.
If necessary, add a comment at the end of the form, but check what is closest to reality.
Please avoid writing a novel if you want to be read and understood.
On mobile, if you can't enter this field, use a "double-tap in the input field to bring up the keyboard.
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If an error is encountered when validating the form, this means that it has been identified as a spam attempt (e-mail, IP address, etc.).

Si tu penses que c'est une erreur, n'hésite pas à me contacter par e-mail ou sms.